
solo Locator abutment

Gh 1 xl1
Gh 2 xl2
Gh 3 xl3
Xcem locator tool: XL01

Features: Good retention yet allows pivotal and rotational movement to dampen masticators chewing forces. Low vertical profile to allow insertion in high ridge denture. Self aligning and durable in use. Delivers secure and comfortable retentive dentures

108 in stock (can be backordered)


Xcem SOLO denture locator system offers
Secure low profile, resilient and pivotal :
implant attachment
Bar attachment
Tooth root attachment.

Good retention yet allows pivotal and rotational movement to dampen masticators chewing forces.
Low vertical profile to allow insertion in high ridge denture.
Self aligning and durable in use.
Delivers secure and comfortable retentive dentures.

Gh 1 xl1
Gh 2 xl2
Gh 3 xl3
Xcem locator tool: XL01

Detrmine gingigival height ove implant. Select appropiate xcem locator abutment and fix in place using hex driver and torque wrench.
Place xcem locator impression coping onto abutment and press to snalp into place.
Take impression. The coping shuould come off in impression other wise remove from abutment and place in impression and send to lab.
In lab: insert xcem locator analog into impression coping in impression and cast model.
Place xcem locator cap on to analog abutment.
Drill out corresponding holes in fitting surface of denure. Fill with cold cure acrylic. Seat firmly onto model remove when set. Xcem locator cap should be set securely in denture.
Using xcem locator tool insert plastic pivot disk into locator cap in denture.


1, 2, 3, gH, gingival height

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